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When Stefanie said, “Princess Party”…. I said, “I’m in!” When she sent me the beautiful images she captured…I said, ”I’m speechless.” Thank you…for sharing your gift…Stefanie…and thank you…for letting me indulge …in the belief…that I have shared mine. XXO
Auntie M
A Royal Birthday Celebration Fit For a Princess ~
Once Upon a Time…
There lived in the Kingdom of Kirkland…a pretty and
precocious Princess named, ‘Mira’…about to turn three.
Princess Mira…summoned Princesses across the land…to partake in this petite royal celebration…’Scroll’ down…and watch the Fairy Tale unfold…
The Royal Setting ~
We rolled out the tabletop ‘white carpet’…of butcher paper. For at this royal gathering…writing on the furniture is not only acceptable…but proper ‘Court’ etiquette!
Each royal plate…sat atop a dove-tailed runner…an embellished vintage inspired crown…marking the Royal Highness…seat of honor.
Sparkling Sour Patch Wands for the Princesses…
And Swords for the Princes in attendance…
Pointy Tiara Headdresses at each place setting…
…Dotted with Gems…
….A Petite dovetailed banner marks the Royal Cupcake Table
….strung across wire….and wrapped around wooden dowels…
The Royal Treat Bar ~
….Simple white bowls rimmed with crowns hold delectable treats…
….proving too tempting to resist…even for a pretty Princess!
…Cellophane bags…ready to hold the sweet royal treats….the seals on a spool of tulle…
And to wash it all down….Princess Magic Potions…
….so named for Mira’s regal friends….’Snow white’… ‘Bell’ … and ‘Cinderella…’
….And this Fairy Tale Story….
In a most Royal Setting…..
Of Course…has a ‘Happy Ending!’
The princesses decreed…the ‘fairest in the land’…via a dollar…craft store mirror
transformed with glitter paint and gems….(transformations happen a lot in Storybook land!)
….Or perhaps…the tag line should read…’Mira, Mira.!’
….The Fairy Godmother
The End.
Roll the Credits…
Photography ~ Stefanie Knowlton
Royal paper, ribbon & embellishments ~ Ben Franklin Crafts & Frame
Crown Graphic ~ The Graphics Fairy
I am amazed by your talents!! Just beautiful…
YOU are a princess Monica! And Stefanie, a VERY gifted photographer!
Simply beautiful beyond words!! Makes me want to be three again!
Happy Third Birthday Princess Mira! What a lucky girl you are!
Wow! That is so phenomenal!! Every girl should be so lucky to be treated like a princess. Wonderful pictures!!
Thank you! It was so much fun to do something Pink! Stef is so talented…Happy Birthday Princess Mira! Auntie M
This was such a joy to see!! SoooooooooooMonica
some little girl sure missed the boat :-)
What a perfect party fit for a princess – all the details are just prefect! I love the wands and swords are adorable.
Thank you Chelsea…I think your ‘Princess & Prince’…could rock this! Monica