Easter Inspiration

Organic Easter Table Ideas…

Sweet Sugar Snap Peas!

Peas, with their gorgeous green pods,

simply say ‘Easter’ to me.

Try sprinkling, a handful of fresh peas,

at the base of a candle,

in a vase or hurricane.

The peas, give your Easter table, a nice,

organic, hint of spring green.

Add a few beautiful blossoms,

maybe French Tulips,

in a soft pink & with just a thread of green.

Cut them short

and let them almost float,

in delicate, cut glass, finger bowls…of sorts.

(You could use cup saucers too!)

Note: I painted the bronze colored bases of my

old, discount store hurricanes, gray,

softening the scene.

Add, a pretty pitcher,

with another small spray of flowers…

and the Easter table is inexpensively set.

And, here’s what I love about it ~

It’s festive, but toned down a bit.

Sure, I’ll add a burlap bunny or two,

maybe some potted fresh herbs…

But all in all,

it’s gorgeous, organic & real…beauty.

It’s what I’m after,



The Pieces ~

Glass bowls ~ The Arbour

Flowers ~ Metropolitan Market

Paint ~ Haley’s Cottage

Authentic Home – River Rock,

Hurricanes ~ Tuesday Morning