I call this Sunday soul food…
earthy Chanterelle Mushrooms and fragrant freshly plucked garden parsley and thyme.
My garden is packed with parsley right now. Gotta use it on the daily!
This combo is the perfect Sunday light bite and a page straight out
of my childhood. Back in the day, I loved
Pacific Northwest mushroom hunting with my Italian born grandmother Nettie.
I have fantastic memories as a little girl, of shadowing my grandma deep in the damp,
dark fall forests in search of these delicious morsels. We had our boots on and hoods up.
We nicknamed her “the Hoover” because she
would deftly round up every last mushroom in her path.
Once we collected large pailsful of these golden nuggets we would head home to clean them and cook.
Chanterelles are in the local markets NOW. This recipe is so simple but SO yummy.
It’s just a handful of sliced fresh Chanterelles, chopped fresh parsley,
thyme, french salt and spicy red pepper flakes, all sautéed in a pan with a good glug of olive oil.
Wash it down with a bistro glass full of white wine.
I love this dish served on a beautiful Arte Italica Italian plate flanked by a simple, rumpled cotton napkin.
I’m telling ya, on a cloud shrouded Seattle fall Sunday, this is soul food…
at its best.