It’s early morning in our Pacific Northwest garden where cultivating & coffee go hand in hand.
Been babying them for WEEKS now, finally…it’s time to plant. Grew these organic kitchen garden starts
inside from seed, in small peat pots and pellets.
Cilantro for my yummy fresh salsas…
sunny sunflowers, which will be soon be transplanted to our larger beds to add
vibrance to the garden,
beautiful beets for roasted beet salad and
arugula because well, everything is better with arugula, something I credit to my
half Italian heritage! But WHERE to plant?
Burberry Boots on, {#Nordstrom}
take a gander at my totable raised Kitchen Garden with the fun ball finials.
Drew up the design awhile back and our FAB finisher Wayne Holland made quick & beautiful work of it.
Layered sheets of screening material keep the dirt in place. The wood is weathering wonderfully. I
like the look of the small raised bed against the lush green background and off-white gravel of our garden courtyard.
The verdigris copper garden hose container adds a note of richness and the blue
farm spigot is a nice pop of color.
I placed the totable kitchen garden on a lattice-top stool for drainage. The
pint-sized raised garden bed even has its own mini irrigation system thanks to the guys from Jefferson Landscaping!
It’s kind of a must with the bed being so shallow that it dries out very quickly but the irrigation tube is easily removable.
Later this spring I’ll add more lettuce starts and turn this baby into a totable salad bar.
OH, the joys of gardening!