Garden Starts Monica Hart


Monday ushered in a delightfully & unseasonably warm spring day in the

Pacific Northwest. Heaven!  A picture perfect day to sun  my garden starts, on the

island in our outdoor kitchen and get the young plants

acclimated to the real world  – the great outdoors! These are the


Garden Starts - Monica Hart



little guys I started from seed – inside…in my makeshift

potting shed. The organic rainbow carrots, French  heirloom zucchini and purple

pod beans are faring just fine while the rustic style arugula has a ways to go.

Soon it will be time for the starts to hit the dirt in our raised garden bed! Can’t wait!



Our Garden Fruit Trees - Monica Hart


In bloom in our garden right now: Our fruit trees! Miniature plums to be exact!

The fruit is insanely sweet as are the pretty white blooms :)


Our Garden - In Bloom - Monica Hart


Soon, the water toys just beyond…will be back on

 the lifts and there will be a cool NEW seating situation on the end of


Our Garden Starts - Monica Hart


the dock!  Spring has arrived and all of the summer fun

isn’t far behind!

