Parchment Bags ~
Have you seen these?
They are culinary parchment
cooking bags from
Now, I love cooking in parchment…and
create my own little pouches.
But I thought these…would make
perfectly frightful Halloween lights on the cheap!!
They are tall…at 14.5 inches, sickeningly pale, ghostly
transparent and inexpensive…10, for under three bucks at
my local supermarket…QFC, if you live nearby.
Anywho, I added transfer images from my
and tea-lights,
in tall, fluted, old fashioned
ice cream float glasses.
The combo creates a rather haunting Halloween glow, doesn’t it?
Love the eerie effect of the fluting!
Who knew?
Okay, to make this bag stand up, fold it along the length, without making
a crease and clip the bottom corners. That way the angles will match.
The deeper the angle the wider the base.
I can’t wait to line our garden stairs with these
parchment lights, come Halloween!
You might want to use those faux tea lights…just to be safe.
More Halloween inspiration on the cheap to come,
SOOOOOOOOO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xoxox Janice
What a great idea! Love it.