L o n g Holiday Weekends are made for
staycations and quick but rewarding garden projects! Are you getting
your hands dirty in the garden this weekend? Here’s what I’ve been up to.
Project #1
Boxwood Beauties
I added a pair of BIG beautiful round Boxwoods to our white gravel courtyard.
I planted the box, in worn, recycled wood containers, that our Italian Cypress came in, a few
years back. The pots flank the bluestone wall fountain. For now, the box is softened with
plantings of white lavender and
purple verbena. ( Once the lavender has spent its blooms, I’ll replant. After three seasons…it’s
getting too leggy. )
Project #2
Roses are White
Next, I planted a hedge of Rosa, White Knock Out rose plants. They are non-stop
bloomers and I’m so excited to enjoy the pretty blooms & light fragrance all summer long!
Project #3
YES! More boxwood. I’m rethinking…these demilune, handmade terra cotta pots from Italy.
{LOVE the containers, I’ve had them for years and have replanted them over and over.}
I like layering and repeating patterns in the garden. The look is so classic and clean.
So, I picked up a pair of smaller boxwood
plants for these pots, to create a repeat of the giant ball boxwood finials in the background on
our lakeside hedge. I’ll need to shape and train them a bit, but that’s easy peasy.
Anywho, I’m off to the garden store now, to find something fun to dance on the rim…
Voila! Hope you enjoyed your Holiday Weekend!