I’m always looking for little ways to brighten the winter days.
Forcing flowering tree branches and shrubs, works for me.
Snip a few budding branches, plunge them in plenty of water and wait…
up to a month.
I like to call it ‘coaxing’ and it’s even better when
your local market does it for you!
(It’s like they were reading my mind!)
I had to bring home a few of these lovely quince branches.
I gave them a fresh cut and immersed them in water.
Tucked into a favorite urn and
swaddled in a burlap remnant; the vignette provides,
a hint of spring.
I love the way the shades of winter morning light,
evoke an ever changing mood.
Such joy, from three little branches…
Who knew?
I think I need to plant a quince tree!
Flowering branches ~ Metropolitan Market
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