Lavender Harvest
After enjoying the pretty purple spires &
heady fragrance of our lovely
lavender, all summer long…
It’s time, to snip a few stocks, while they are
still at their peak and use the
flower buds in the kitchen.
A little
goes a l~o~n~g way and in
small doses, it can really add
sublime to your
I like to store the buds (organic only)
in containers,
filled with
caster sugar,
to be sprinkled into sweet hot
soulfully served, in my grandmother’s
tea cups or
iced, for that matter. AND have you tried
lavender ice cream? Sooo good!
I slip a little lavender sugar into my
Vanilla Bean recipe and it’s
The superfine lavender sugar, is
fantastic, sifted over fresh fruit &
plain Greek yogurt.
Can you tell I have a terrible
sweet tooth?
And lavender sugar is so
pretty too, especially stored in simple
glass jars. I Love how it looks on our
pantry shelves. So
‘old school.’
And when you pop the lid…
the fragrance is intoxicating!
I do the same with the leftover
Vanilla Beans. Hey, they’re expensive. This way,
you get your money’s worth!
Plus, I’ve fallen in love with the
color of purple…
The color of kings…
the color or my University of Washington,
Alma Mater and our son’s, High School teams. It’s
no wonder, I’m smitten!
I think it’s time, to sift a little homemade,
lavender sugar goodness, into
a batch of my lavender &
lemon scones….I will share the
recipe soon!
I LOVE all things LAVENDER! The scent is relaxing, the color is powerful, lavender ice cream is yummy, lavender salt baths are delicious, lavender cookies are sweet and lavender cosmos are, well, I N T O X I C A T I N G! Looking forward to seeing your recipe for lavender and lemon scones, which includes my other favorite – LEMON!
xoxox Janice
Ooooh, how about lavender Prosecco??
You had ME at lavender cosmos!!! We can make a sweet lavender simple syrup.
Brilliant! xxo