First up …A giveaway winner!

Thank you so much  for entering my  giveaway for the stylish  little

Tory Burch  thermos via Target!

I randomly drew from the names, this morning and

Kelli, came up the BIG winner :)

Miss Kelli, please contact  me with your address! 

*   *   *

In other news… I am having so much fun

with the LIVE Sunday morning lifestyle segments on

KOMO Newsradio

Thank you KOMO & Larry Rice.

After they air, I’m now linking the segments to my You Tube channel

First up, talking about how to create a 

fresh start  in your home for the New Year.

You can find the interview Here!

*    *    *

And last but not least…

Among the things I resolve to do in the New Year…

UP my workout schedule!

 BUT I read a rather dismal statistic that says, less than 10 percent of us will

actually stick to our resolutions! Yikes!

 I also read that one of the keys to hitting the gym is…

a stylish,  well stocked

tote and I’m loving this glitzy, denim  number, from

American Apparel via  InStyle Magazine.

The fashion forward mag says stylish gear will get you moving! 

InStyle also says, to get that long & leggy  look, pair your

black work out pants with

stylish black  sneakers…Long & leggy?

Okay, I’m going shopping!

You can find InStyle’s  top ten ways to look cuter at the

gym here. Can’t hurt, right?

Have a beautiful day,